
Friday, March 9, 2012

Always Maxi Pad Tarot card Ad

I saw this maybe last year, and then again a few months ago and I clipped the ad (photo is from the internet).  Always brand maxi pads have put a pad on a Tarot card image and labelled the "the Protector."  I am thinking this would work as a real card and is totally readable!  Depending on the layout or position of the card this one may mean someone or something in your life that is dependable and always there protecting you, it may mean that you are too absorbed in something right now, or that you are soaking up too much of something such as maybe taking in too many emotions or soaking up too much negativity.  

This ad has been in the women's magazines such as All You, Family Circle, and Woman's Day.

Here's a short piece in a blog I found :Women of Esoterica

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